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    • I can focus on understanding concepts, not just jotting down notes. It's like having a personal study assistant.

      Sheryl Berge
      Physics Major at MIT
    • The flashcards created are tailored to my learning style. It's like the AI knows exactly what I need to study.

      Yash Sharma
      Public Policy Student at Duke
    • Love how it generates quizzes from my lectures. Makes revising so much more efficient and less stressful.

      Kiehn Po
      Princeton Student
    • It turns my youtube binges into productive study sessions. It's a game-changer.

      Presley Burghardt
      Premed student at Stanford
    • I love how it can take an article and break it into bite-sized materials. Reading academic articles feels less daunting now.

      Peter Renolds
      Political Science Major
    • I feel like I'm studying smarter, not harder. It's a boon for anyone who values efficiency.

      Rithik Duvva
      Economics Major at Duke

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