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I can focus on understanding concepts, not just jotting down notes. It's like having a personal study assistant.
Sheryl BergePhysics Major at MITThe flashcards created are tailored to my learning style. It's like the AI knows exactly what I need to study.
Yash SharmaPublic Policy Student at Duke
Love how it generates quizzes from my lectures. Makes revising so much more efficient and less stressful.
Kiehn PoPrinceton StudentIt turns my youtube binges into productive study sessions. It's a game-changer.
Presley BurghardtPremed student at Stanford
I love how it can take an article and break it into bite-sized materials. Reading academic articles feels less daunting now.
Peter RenoldsPolitical Science MajorI feel like I'm studying smarter, not harder. It's a boon for anyone who values efficiency.
Rithik DuvvaEconomics Major at Duke
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