Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

At TurboLearn, we prioritize the privacy of our users. Our Privacy and Information Use Policy provides clarity on how we handle personal information. Our goal is to collect only what is necessary to deliver our services effectively while safeguarding your personal details.

Minimal Information Collection

We limit our data collection to the bare minimum. Your private information remains confidential within the TurboLearn ecosystem, shielded from external entities. We avoid third-party cookies altogether and ensure that any first-party cookies used are strictly non-intrusive, without storing personal information.

User Information Management

The personal information we require is strictly what you provide at enrollment. We recognize the uniqueness of each user's data and maintain it separately. Users are presented with the chance to review their information before utilizing our services and retain the ability to access this data through the service settings at any time.

What Constitutes "Personal Information"?

Personal Information pertains to details that can lead to your identification, such as:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

What Information Does TurboLearn Collect?

Our Philosophy

TurboLearn respects the delicate balance between providing quality service and maintaining your privacy. We aim to gather only the personal information essential for delivering our exceptional services.

Types of Information We Collect

The nature of personal information TurboLearn collects varies based on your interactions with our platform:

  • Account Information: Includes TurboLearn username, email, and account specifics.
  • Contact Information: Your name, email, physical address, and phone number.
  • Payment and Transaction Information: Details about billing, payment methods, and transaction history.
  • Fraud Prevention Information: Used to detect and thwart fraudulent activities.
  • Usage Information: Data on how you engage with our services, performance metrics, and diagnostic information.
  • Other Provided Information: Any additional details you convey to us, including customer support interactions.

Note: Providing personal information is not obligatory, but a lack of it may affect our ability to offer you certain services or respond to your inquiries.

Usage of Personal Information

TurboLearn utilizes personal information to:

  • Service Operation: Enhance our services and process your transactions.
  • Communication: Manage correspondence about your account and our services, inform you about changes to our policies, and gather feedback.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention: Protect all stakeholders and prevent fraud.
  • Compliance with Laws: Fulfill legal requirements and respond to governmental requests.

Please remember, critical communications cannot be opted out of as they are vital to your interaction with TurboLearn.


TurboLearn aims to tailor your experience based on your activity. Privacy details are available upon first use and within your TurboLearn account settings.

Information Retention

We retain personal information as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes it was collected for, adhering to our privacy policy and legal requirements.

Sharing Personal Information

TurboLearn may share your information with:

  • Affiliates and Service Providers: To perform tasks on our behalf while ensuring compliance with our privacy policy.
  • Partners: With third parties for joint services, upon your consent.
  • Others: In response to legal processes or for security and public importance considerations.

We pledge to never share your personal information with third parties for their independent marketing without your explicit consent.

Protecting Your Information

TurboLearn commits to robust security practices, combining physical, technical, and administrative measures to safeguard your personal information.

Cookies and Other Technologies at TurboLearn

TurboLearn's digital ecosystem—spanning our website, online services, and interactive applications—eschews third-party "cookies" and similar tracking technologies, like web beacons. However, to enhance functionality and user experience, we may employ the following:

  • Communications Cookies: These facilitate the flow of data across TurboLearn's network, aiding in the detection and correction of errors.
  • Essential Cookies: Deployed to deliver specific features or services you've requested, they're crucial for the proper presentation and functioning of our sites, including language and transaction verification.
  • Analytical Cookies: Implemented to gain insights into how visitors engage with our services, helping us evaluate and refine their effectiveness.

Opting Out: Should you wish to opt out of cookie usage, TurboLearn provides the option to disable cookies through your browser's privacy settings by selecting "Block all cookies". Be aware that disabling cookies may impact your ability to use certain aspects of the TurboLearn website.

Beyond Cookies:

  • We might embed "click-through URLs" in email communications to direct you to relevant content on the TurboLearn site. This process involves a brief stop at a separate server, allowing us to gauge engagement. Not comfortable with tracking? Simply avoid clicking on links within our emails.
  • Information garnered from these cookies and technologies is generally nonpersonal. However, if IP addresses or similar identifiers are recognized as personal information by local laws, we apply the same level of privacy protection to these identifiers.
  • On occasion, nonpersonal information collected via these methods may be amalgamated with other personal data we hold. In such cases, the combined dataset is regarded and protected as personal information in line with our Privacy Policy.

Advertising Practices:

  • Any advertisements served by TurboLearn's own platform that appear during your product usage are designed to respect your privacy—they do not tap into or disseminate your personal information.